Studio Ellery
Selected Works

Callum Bridge is an independent Designer and Art Director based in London.

For enquires:

︎ Email
︎ Instagram

Studio Ellery Selected Works

Callum Bridge is an independent Designer and Art Director based in London.

For enquires:

︎ Email
︎ Instagram

︎ Limbs Project USB Flashdrive 2023

USB Flashdrive Design for Limbs Project first release ‘Plaza’.
︎ TraTraTrax Poster 2023

Poster Design for Tratratrax European Tour.

︎ Limbs Sticker/Logo 2023

Logo/Sticker design for Limbs Project.

︎ Roam II

Poster design for Roam II at Set Woolwich.

︎ Crown Typeface 2023

Inspired by ornate crosses adorned on top of ancient european crowns and royal imperial orbs as well as grid work on previous projects. Created on Adobe Illustrator and compiled in Glyphs.